
プラットフォーム・チャイナPlatform China

© Platform China

站台中国当代艺术机构成立于2005年初,是一个主要致力于中国当代艺术的发展与推广以及当代艺术的国内和国际间的对话与交流的综合艺术中心,下设艺术展览空间、多媒体展示厅和国际艺术家驻留工作室多機能なアート組織として、プラットフォーム・チャイナ・コンテンポラリー・アート・インスティチュート(以下プラットフォーム・チャイナ)の主な目的は、中国の現代アートの発展と促進As a multi-function art organization, the main aim of Platform China Contemporary Art Institute (Platform China) is to develop and promote contemporary art in China、および中国人アーティストと海外アーティスト間の文化交流と対話のためのプラットホームを確立することであり、そこにはギャラリースペース、アーティストの居住スタジオ、マルチメディアルーム、プロジェクトスペースを含んでいる。




Platform China
住所:No.319-1 East End Art Zone A, Caochangdi Village, Chaoyang District, Beijing
TEL:+86 10 6432 0091

Text: Yuya Masumoto
and to build up a platform of cultural exchange and dialogue between Chinese and international artists. It includes gallery spaces, artists’ residency studios, a multi-media room and a project space.

Platform China not only directly supports visual art, performing/performance art, experimental music, new media and all the other cutting-edge art forms, but also promotes contemporary art through publishing, curating, and managing art projects.

The goal of Platform China is to create an open artistic environment in which contemporary art in all its different identities can be created, shown, and discussed. They seek out, support and promote excellent young Chinese artists and encourage international artists’ recognition in China.

Platform China strives to be an open and dynamic space — a workplace — where both established and emerging artists can not only show their works, but also create new works. With its Artist-in-Residence program and its Project Space inside 798 Art District , Platform China hopes to assist artists from different backgrounds as they define their artistic identity. This support consists of providing space and infrastructure for artists to work, organizing “work in progress” events open to the public, and promoting artists’ work on a national and international level.

Platform China
Address: No.319-1 East End Art Zone A, Caochangdi Village, Chaoyang District, Beijing
Open: 11:00-18:00 (Closed on Monday)
Tel: +86 10 6432 0091



电话:+86 10 6432 0091

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