

© Haus der elektronischen Künste Basel

© Haus der elektronischen Künste Basel

Located in south of Basel, Dreispitz used to be an industrial district. As technology progressed, the area became desolate and a lot of empty warehouses became noticeable. However, since 2010, the city has been redeveloping its urban areas. A lot of warehouses were reused as shops, offices, houses, public facilities, and schools. バーゼルメインステーションから北にある中心街と真逆の南側に、貨物倉庫&工場地区ドライシュピッツは時代の進化、技術の発展により徐々に廃れていった。治安も悪くなり、企業も減り空っぽの跡地をどうにかしようと市が動き出し、2010年頃からエリア一帯の再開発計画が始まった。タブララサはせず、既存の構造を理解しつつの改修、新築が設けられることになり、バーゼル歴代の都市再生プロジェクトとなった。



Dreispitz HeK
住所:Freilager-Platz 9, Münchenstein, Basel
TEL:+41 (0)61 331 5840

Text: Toru Wada
The relocation of the Academy of Art and Design and House of Electronic Arts (HeK) also helped transform the area into an up and coming art district.
HeK is an interdisciplinary art venue. They focus on young artists whose work is innovative and challenging, as well as utilising new media and technologies.

There is always something going on in the area; there are buildings designed by architects, Herzog and de Meuron and BIG, and students of Academy of Art and Design are often experimenting with their artworks.

Schaulager, which houses modern/contemporary arts (administered by the Laurenz Foundation) is also located nearby (15 minutes from the town centre by tram). It is one of the hottest spots in town; you wouldn’t want to miss it if you are interested in art.

Dreispitz HeK
Address: Freilager-Platz 9, Münchenstein, Basel
Opening Hours: 12:00 – 18:00 (during exhibitions, special opening hours by appointment)
Closed on Monday and Tuesday
Tel: +41 (0)61 331 5840

Text: Toru Wada
Translation: Chinami Oda

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