
マイケル・ポール・ヤングMichael Paul Young

デザイン事務所WeWorkForThemを2000年にスタートして以来、ウェブクリエイティブシーンをリードするデザインプロジェクト、YouWorkForThemSince 2000 when started a design company WeWorkForThem, YouWorkForThem is a leading online design shop and project made with Michael Paul Young, Michael Cina and the design team.その創設者でもありメンバーの1人、マイケル・ポール・ヤングは、マイケル・シーナとそのデザインチームと共にそのオンラインデザインショップを運営している。いつも独自で斬新なアイデアをウェブだけでなく、展覧会やレクチャー、イベントなど幅広く展開している。現在はバンコクを拠点に活動しているマイケル・ポール・ヤングに話を伺った。


現在私達は「線(Line)」というシンプルなコンセプトのもと活動を展開しています。白と黒のみの素材に着目し、パターンや基本の線のもつシステムだけに表現を止めることで、何ができるかを探る試みです。完了したら、その結果をストックし画像製品としてリリースしたり、PDFタイプの誌面や新聞雑誌、映像などにその利用の幅を広げていけたらと思っています。また、DVDの新作「The Interpretation」も手がけています。




また、Phra Nakornというバーも素敵なところ。最上階で美味しい料理とビールがお勧めです。そこは、オープンエアのバーになっていて、値段も手頃です。Cafe Democも素敵なバーです。民主記念塔のそばにあります。
Michael Paul Yound has always been producing and delivering us the distinctive and new ideas for these years in the various forms including webs, exhibitions, lectures, and events. SHIFT interviewed Michael Paul Young who has been currently based in Bangkok, Thailand.

Please tell us yourself and your recent activity.

Right now me and my team are working on exploring the simple concept of ‘Line.’ We are working in a black and white medium only and exploring what possibilities can be achieved by limiting ourself to patterns and basic line systems. When finished, we will release the results as stock image products and as well possibly explore their uses in a pdf zine, newsprint magazine, and video.
As well we are currently going to press with our new dvd, The Interpretation.

Please tell us about your city, and how about living in your city for yourself/

I recently started going to language school in the city, learning Thai. There are actually many Japanese people who study there as well. I have yet to get to know them, to ask them what parts of Japan they are from, or why they are here in Bangkok, I assume business. I don’t go out as much as I used to in American, the culture here is different. I think the traffic is annoying, it makes it hard to want to go out and party all the time. The subway system is not like Toyko or New York, so its not as easy to get around to places, and the city is huge. I also live in a house outside the city center, so I have to drive. I try to travel around Thailand to different places instead of staying inside Bangkok all the time.

I love Bangkok, but the pollution is quite disgusting and the traffic sucks.

Please tell us a favorite places in the city you live and work in.

For food, when I am having with drawl from western style dinner, I like Greyhound Cafe on Thonglor. For hanging out to have a drink and talk with friends, I like the little bar Shades of Retro, which is also off Thonglor. In this bar, everything is for sale; vintage chairs, tables, sunglasses, pictures.

I typically like to hang around the Thong Lor and Ekamai areas of Bangkok, its a diverse crowd of Thai, Japanese, Westerners. Its much different than the touristy Kao San Road area, the small road full of backpacker tourists. If you want to do the cheap thing and hang around just other tourists and foreigners, Kao San is the place for that.
Also, a bar called Phra Nakorn bar is a nice place. If you go up to the very top floor and grab some good food and beers, its a open air roof top bar, and good prices. A bar in that area called Cafe Democ is good as well, its right across from the Democracy monument in the round about.

For markets and shopping, a must for anyone visiting is Jatujak market, only open on Sundays and Saturdays. Come dressed for extremely hot weather and give yourself a good day to walk around, eat and have a coffee here. Its got everything from vintage clothes, t-shirt designers, souvenirs to even animals!

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