
ダンカン・マッキャンスDuncan MaCance

© Bisma Eight

© Bisma Eight

Before becoming the executive chef of Bisma Eight in Ubud, he has been spent time at the worlds best restaurantsウブドのビスマ・エイトで総料理長を務める以前、ダンカン・マッキャンスは、アデレードにある「オラナ」やストックホルムの「エクステット」、シンガポールの「バーント・エンズ」などミュシュランガイドにも掲載される数々の有名レストランで料理の腕をふるってきた。最新の技術で現地調達した食材を調理することに情熱を持った彼の料理には素材の味が生かされ、才能溢れるシェフの一人である。そんなダンカンに、ウブドやバリについて聞いた。









Bisma Eight
住所:Jalan Bisma, Ubud
TEL:+62 361 4792 888

Text: Aya Shomura
such as in Orana (Adelaide), Ekstedt (Stockholm) and Burnt Ends (Singapore). And he has a deep affection for sourcing locally and utilizing modern cooking techniques, the food embraces the culinary simplicity and the flair of the contemporary kitchen. We could ask some question to Duncan.

Could you please tell us the reason why you decided to become a chef?

When I was about 6 – 7 year-old, I grew carrots in my front yard and used them to cook a pie. From that age on I was pretty much in or around the kitchen. It’s the kind of job the more you know the more you realized you need to learn, so it kept dragging me in. 

You have been improved your cooking skill at several worlds best restaurants in some cities. Why did you select Bali after your experience?

I felt like the opportunity at Bisma Eight was very compelling. Having a farm the size we do located 400m from the hotel is something pretty special. That and I feel like there is a great life style to be had in Bali. Every week (when the bosses give you a day off) you can get away to another adventure either on Bali or another island close by. 

How do you think food ingredients in Bali? Are there some ingredients that you want to cook or add to your recipe?

Being from Melbourne the tropical fruits here are a lot of fun to play with. Soursop is one that I love and we have a Dragon fruit tart on the menu at the moment. 

Please tell us your favorite restaurant, cafe and shop, or ways to spend time in Ubud.

I would have to say Pica South American Kitchen in Ubud. Every time I go there, the food makes me smile. It’s a small south american restaurant and the cuisine works are so well with the climate in Bali. 

Bisma Eight
Address: Jalan Bisma, Ubud
Tel: +62 361 4792 888

Text: Aya Shomura

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