
ロッチェ・ソッダーランドLotje Sodderland

バルセロナに拠点を置き、現在アムステルダムにも第2のギャラリーをオープンさせたマクサロット・ギャラリーのキュレーター、ロッチェ・ソッダーランド。Based in Amsterdam, previously in Barcelona, Lotje Sodderland is an active curator of Maxalot Gallery.アムステルダムに在住し、様々なプロジェクトで活躍をしている。またSHIFTでも多くの記事を執筆している彼女に今回お話を伺った。




アムステルダムは今のところ世界中で私の大好きな街です。多文化で、おいしい食べ物があり、ワクワクするナイトライフを過ごせることや、元気いっぱいなムードとたくさんの文化があり、とても素敵な街だと思います。しかし街の規模が小さいからか、多くの街とは違ってとてもリラックスした場所です。誰もが至る所で自転車に乗り、空気が悪い公共の交通機関を利用して、遠くへ出かける必要がないからです。豊富な水と素晴らしい運河は、本当に特別でおだやかな雰囲気を醸し出してくれます。私は朝起きて、自転車で出かける事が大好きです(毎日晴れているけど、とても寒いですよ) そして自転車に乗りながら、私はヨーロッパの中心のこの場所に住んでいることをラッキーだなと感じています。









アムステルダムとロッテルダムのデザインシーンは非常に活気溢れていると思います。ドローグレム・コールハースがシーンをリードしてますよね。最近、マルセル・ワンダースウェステルハウスというプロジェクトをオープンしました。アムステルダムは年間を通して多くの大きなデザインイベントが開催されます。5 Days OffPicnicエクスペリペンタなど。よりドライなアートシーンへの対抗手段はNDSMのアーティストスタジオシティです。アーティストが大きく古い格納庫の中にスタジオを立て、カッティングエッジな創造を繰り広げている本当の迷路みたいなところです。
As you might have read her articles delivered from Amsterdam on SHIFT, we interviewed her asking favorites about Amsterdam.

Please tell us yourself and your recent activity.

My name is Lotje Sodderland and I started Maxalot Gallery with my partner Max Akkerman. Aside from that, I am producing a rich-media multi-authored Web documentary about urban poverty in the global South: my passion project! After 4 years in Barcelona we recently opened our new space in the centre of Amsterdam. We live in the top floor of an old building in the centre of town, which is just perfect… But will tragically be torn down within 5 years.

Please tell us about your city, and how about living in your city for yourself/activity.

Amsterdam is probably my favourite city in the world (so far). It has everything that is great about a city, such as multiculturalism, great food, fabulous nightlife, a buzzing atmosphere and tons of culture. But unlike most cities it is really relaxed, not just because of its small size, but also because everybody bicycles everywhere and there’s no real need for stuffy public transport or travelling very far. The abundance of water and pretty canals make for a really special and calm atmosphere. I love waking up in the morning and cycling to wherever I need to be: bizarrely it is normally sunny although rather chilly – and almost everyday I’m filled with joy whilst on my bike, feeling lucky that I live in this great place in the centre of Europe.

Please tell us a favourite places in the city you live and work in.

My favourite bar at the moment is Café Nagel. It’s got a really cosy art deco interior with some neon signage thrown in, and really great beer selection plus prosecco and Dutch bar snacks.

Vondelpark is always beautiful and in the summer there’s also lots going on, like a mini Central Park. It’s so relaxing and pleasant to take a walk and maybe go for a coffee at the Blue Theehuis in the park’s centre.

Café Zeezicht, Singel 101 does amazing breakfasts and apple pies and is a good starting point to walk around the lovely Jordaan neighbourhood (my fave bit is the small streets off Palmdwarsstraat).

If it’s a sunny day (even if it’s cold), it’s a fun little adventure to take the boat behind Centraal Station to NDSM Island and walk to Café Noorderlicht – a ramshackle construction among the old industrial buildings, where you get the most amazing light reflecting off the water.

Obviously, Maxalot Gallery rocks! But really, there are always interesting exhibitions on with pioneering designers and illustrators, and you can go drink tea there whilst flipping through inspiring books or taking in the show.
Aside from Maxalot, my favourite is Foam Gallery – which specialises in photography and never fails to have some fascinating show on.

Finally, I cannot recommend enough the wonderfulness of the Art Deco Sauna. AS the name suggests, this small but perfectly formed sauna is kitted out in beautiful art deco interior and is the best place to thaw out from the cold during winter. Going stark naked is a little unsettling at first if you’re not Dutch or Scandinavian! But you soon realise that nobody cares…

What do you think about the art/design scene in the city?

Amsterdam and Rotterdam have a very vibrant design scene, with folks like Droog and Rem Koolhaas leading the way. Marcel Wanders recently opened his amazing Westerhuis project to the public and this is an inspiring place to pop into the website. There are many large design events in Amsterdam throughout the year like 5 Days Off, Picnic, Experimenta, etc. It’s worth checking what’s on when you’re in town. An antidote to the rather dry art scene is the artists studio city on NDSM island, a veritable maze of cutting edge creativity with artists building their own studios within this massive old hangar.

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