
クスタ・サキシKustaa Saksi

クスタ・サキシ。皆さんも一度はどこかで、彼の作品を見た事があるのではないだろうか?その美しい景観と、サイケデリックで奇妙なキャラクターが登場するKustaa Saksi. As you might have seen his artworks once before, his creation bears the aesthetic aspects of psychedelic and bizarre characteristics, which make a strong impact on as almost intoxicating our brains.彼の作品は私たちの脳内を酔わせ、幻覚を起こさせそうなくらい、強くインパクトに残る。











Kustaa Saksi
住所:Utrechtsedwarsstraat 13 III, 1017WB Amsterdam
TEL:+31 20 4273835

Text: Mariko Takei, Kazumi Oiwa

Could you introduce yourself including your background?

I’m a Finnsh illustrator and designer living and working in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. I moved here last year from Paris, where I lived four years. I graduated from Lahti Institute of design in 2000 and started working as full time illustrator in 2003.

You have been involved in various projects. Please tell us a project which creates the biggest impression? Why?

It’s very hard pick one project. I’ve been working with many projects from fashion to music through advertising and art. Maybe the most interesting projects are the ones that have been interacting with people. I like it when I’m having direct response. Havaianas‘ huge size wall paintings in various parts of New York city last year is a very good example.

Your works looks elaborate and fantastic. Looking into your artworks shown on your website, I feel like I am in somewhere in a different world. How and when do you get ideas?

Usually I get the ideas outside from my studio. Sometimes sitting on a cafe, looking at the people going by might help. I like a lot of food packaging, especially in Asia. At supermarkets I can get some genius ideas! I also like a lot of old children books from the art nouveau era and pattern designs from William Morris. Also, I’ve been heavily inspired by sixties op art and psychedelia. Mathematical fractals look very interesting at the moment.

In what work environment do you work on your creation?

I found a studio space from an old chocolate factory in the center of Amsterdam. It’s in the top floor so I can get some natural sunlight in, even in winter. I’ve been very pleased with the place as it seems to have a nice history. Although, I’m sure there’s some ghosts in here…

Please tell us about an art scene in Amsterdam.

Amsterdam art scene seems to be very vivid. There’s a lot of quality exhibitions going on all the time. It seems the gallerists here always tend to come up with fresh new shows. One of my favourite places is Foam – the museum of photography.

Kustaa Saksi
Address: Utrechtsedwarsstraat 13 III, 1017WB Amsterdam
Tel: +31 20 4273835

Text: Mariko Takei, Kazumi Oiwa

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