
ハネケ・メッセラールHanneke Metselaar

Image: <a href=>Kina Anike</A>

Image: Kina Anike

ハネケ・メッセラールは、アムステルダム・ファッション・インスティテュートを卒業後、フランスで働いた後、フリーランスのコンセプト・デザイナーとして数々のプロジェクトに参加。いつも店舗設計などに彼女の情熱を注いできたHanneke Metselaar (1979) graduated from the Amsterdam Fashion Institute, studied in France, worked as a freelancer on several projects as a concept designer and always had the passion to bring all。その彼女が自身のショップ「ハナズキ」を2005年についにオープン。自身の夢のひとつを叶えた。







ランチで良く行くのは、「スープ・エン・ゾ」。手作りのスープは絶品です。ディナーには、「スティファレ・ドーロ 」がおすすめです。南イタリアからやってきたファミリーが本場の家庭イタリア料理を提供してくれます。




Text: Kirstin Hanssen
that she loved to do together in one place. So she founded Hanazuki in 2005 and that made the dream come true.

Please tell us about yourself and your recent activity.

I’m Hanneke Metselaar, one of the founders and co-owners of Hanazuki, a store and a multi media creative studio based in the center of Amsterdam. Before Niko Stumpo and I started Hanazuki we both, besides our normal jobs, we were making puppets, designing T-shirts, making animations and little films, but we were always doing it in our spare time. Now I am still working 24/7, but at least now it is 24/7 Hanazuki and I do not have to balance between work and my own ideas!

Please tell us about your city, and how do you experience living and working there?

I love living in Amsterdam and I love the fact that it can be a village and a big city at the same time. Amsterdam attracts all different nationalities; it is like a mash up of different cultures. Amsterdam gives me inspiration. I like to watch the people, the variety of people and cultures. I travel quite a bit, but coming back to Amsterdam and biking home always makes me happy!

What are your favourite places?

There are a lot of places I like to go. Amsterdam offers so many beautiful, petit boutiques, parks and special places. Just walk around in Amsterdam and get amazed around every single corner!

For lunch I like to visit Soup en Zo, they have the best homemade soup in town. To dine I go to a tiny restaurant below my house, Stivale Doro, where a family from the South of Italy runs the place. If you want to get special attention, just be nice to the papa and mama!

A great tip is the Noordermarket, Noordermarkt in Dutch, on Saturday morning. It’s always fun: organic food, flowers, second hand clothing… you can find everything there! On Monday morning the flower market on the Amstelveld is nice. We also have a garden at the studio! It is full of flowers and plants. I just love to be there.

Maxalot Gallery, that recently opened in Amsterdam has very good exhibitions.

To have a drink I would say: go see De Duivel. It means ‘The Devil’. The only place where you can listen to genuine oldskool hip hop, watch the ‘bad boys’ and just have a relaxing drink. Haha! It is on my way home, so very very dangerous.

Text: Kirstin Hanssen

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