
バグア・ジョディBagua Jody

© Bagua Jody, Narcissus 2009 Photo: Emmelien Kramer

© Bagua Jody, Narcissus 2009 Photo: Emmelien Kramer

1979年生まれのバグア・ジョディは、アムステルダムで今後注目すべきアーチストの一人になるだろう。彼は、リートフェリト・アート・アカデミーでファッションを学んだが、ドローイングやペインティングなどのアートワークArtist Bagua Jody (1979) is one of the most upcoming multi-talents from Amsterdam. He’s a fashion graduate from the Gerrit Rietveld Art Academy, but is mostly successful with his drawings and paintingsで成功を収めている。彼は、レッドライト・アートプロジェクトの一員でもあり、ベルグストラートのウェアハウスを拠点に活動している。娼婦が売春を行うこのエリアで彼はライブパフォーマンスからファッションまで勢力的に作品を発表している。




特にお気に入りの場所は、 ヴィラ・ゼージッチ (Torensteeg 7) でのランチやディナー。ディラン・ホテルのロビーや日本庭園でコーヒーを飲みながら自分のラップトップで仕事をしたり、ミニバーでお酒を飲んだり、僕の親友の一人、オランダ人ファッションデザイナー、エスター・マイアーのアトリエで過ごすのが好きです。

Studio Bagua Jody
住所:Bergstraat 4, 1015 AV Amsterdam
TEL:+31 (0)6 1772 3966 (要連絡)

Text: Kirstin Hanssen
that show the power of fragility, as Jody explains. At the moment he residents at a unique spot at the Bergstraat, in a former whorehouse, as unofficial member of the Red Light Art project (that is also taken place around the Bergstraat area). Where promiscuous women formerly selling their bodies behind windows, nowadays Studio Bagua Jody shows his art to the world: from drawings to paintings, from live performances to fashion creations.

How do you feel and what’s your recent activity?

I feel good. The house I live and work in right now is like the embodiment of who I am today. The building has six floors and each floor has its own characteristics, like the layers of human identity: from the dark and mysterious basement to the light and cosy living room. I also use the place as a gallery and studio. People can make an appointment to have a look at my work or come over for a personal portrait. Furthermore I’m working on a new, self-initiated project, called Narcissus. It’s a multidisciplinary presentation that combines photography, drawings, paintings, and music. For this project I work together with 22 very talented photographers. The Narcissus exhibition will open during the Amsterdam International Fashion Week in July 2009. I can’t tell you more about, but it will be amazing!”

What are your favourite places in Amsterdam?

Amsterdam is great. Especially the area I live right now, near to the canals and the impressive sculpture of Multatuli at the Singel. Everyday I walk around to feel Amsterdam’s special energy and to discover new places and people. At the moment my favourite hangouts are Villa Zeezicht (Torensteeg 7) for lunch or diner, the lobby and zen garden of The Dylan Hotel to work on my computer in peace and enjoy a good cup of tea, Minibar for having a drink, and the atelier of Dutch fashion designer Esther Meijer a.k.a. Nieuwjurk, one of my best friends.

Studio Bagua Jody
Address: Bergstraat 4, 1015 AV Amsterdam
Tel: +31 (0)6 1772 3966 (for inquiries or appointments)

Text: Kirstin Hanssen
Studio Bagua Jody
地址:Bergstraat 4, 1015 AV Amsterdam
电话:+31 (0)6 1772 3966 (联系要求)

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