ハウス・オブ・ボルスHouse of Bols
見て、触れて、嗅いで、聞いて、味わうといった様々な体験をすることができる、カクテルとバーテンディングのミュージアム「ハウス・オブ・ボルス」Experience a spectacular adventure in TASTE, SMELL, TOUCH, SEE and HEAR and get to know the glamorous World of Bartending. House of Bols is an adventure of。この施設は2007年のオランダデザイン賞を受賞。設計はアムステルダムの設計事務所「スタート」が手がけた。
House of Bols
住所:Paulus Potterstraat 14, 1071 CZ Amsterdam
入場料:11,50 EUR(ミラ・バーでの試飲料込み)
the senses and an initiation into the world of cocktails and bartending. House of Bols designed by Staat, Winner of the Dutch Design Award 2007.
House of Bols revolves around the rich history of the world’s oldest distillery: Lucas Bols began since 1575 in Amsterdam. But you should also experience the unique taste experiment in The Hall of Taste. In House of Bols you can undergo two exciting taste-tests and experience how your brain reacts to aromas, colors and pictures. Towards the end of the tour you can select your own genever cocktail and enjoy it in the spectacular Mirror Bar.
Minimun age for House of Bols is 18 years!
House of Bols
Address: Paulus Potterstraat 14, 1071 CZ Amsterdam
Open: 12:00-18:00 (Closed on Tuesday)
Entrance Fee: 11,50 EUR per person. Including a cocktail in the Mirror bar