
メディアマティック・バンクMediamatic Bank

Ik R.I.P. Photo: Katja Novitskova © Mediamatic

Ik R.I.P. Photo: Katja Novitskova © Mediamatic

Mediamatic is an art space working on new media, art, culture and society. They are interested in the cultural developments that go hand in hand with new technologies and in new technologiesメディアマティックは、ニューテクノロジーやそれを使用したアートやクリエイティブにフォーカスするアートスペース。ここでは、様々なエキシビジョンやレクチャー、ワークショップ、サロン、スクリーニングなどを行っている。

Mediamatic Bank
住所:Duintjer CS, Vijzelstraat 68, 1017 HL Amsterdam
TEL:+31 (0)20 638 9901
that cause cultural development. Mediamatic organizes exhibitions, salons, lectures, workshops, screenings at their exhibition space Mediamatic Bank and other public spaces. They also develop websites and used to publish the magazine Mediamatic Off-Line.

Exhibitions at Mediamatic have a high DIY component. You are inspired to be active in the exhibition and use a free RFID tag to make photographs, video’s or engage in interaction with the theme of the exhibition. Events are usually free and always fun. Information in English is always available.

Mediamatic is also a social network. Everybody can become member, have a profile, publish articles, photo’s en add events to the online agenda. One of many network events is the Mediamatic Distributed Library. Mediamatic members could join and take care of titels of the Mediamatic’s unique collection of books, videos, magazines and other media that Mediamatic has been collecting since 1983. The whole collection is now taken care of by their members.

Mediamatic Bank
Address: Duintjer CS, Vijzelstraat 68, 1017 HL Amsterdam
Tel: +31 (0)20 638 9901
地址:Duintjer CS, Vijzelstraat 68, 1017 HL Amsterdam
电话:+31 (0)20 638 9901

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