GEMミュージアムGEM Museum

© GEM Museum
「GEM」はオランダのハーグに設立された新しい現代美術館。ビデオ、インスタレーション、絵画、彫刻、マルチメディア、パーフォーマンスアート、GEM is a new museum of contemporary art set up to show work by artists from The Hague, the Netherlands and the world at large side by side.写真、デジタルアート、デザイン、その他様々な展覧会、プログラムが開催されている。
GEM Museum
住所:Stadhouderslaan 43, 2517 HV The Hague, Amsterdam
時間:火〜日 12:00〜18:00(12月25日、1月1日定休)
料金:5,00 EUR/学生 3,00 EUR
TEL:+31 70 33 811 33
It will feature a wide variety of disciplines: video and other installations, painting and sculpture, multimedia, performance art, film, photography, drawings, digital art, design, etc. In addition to the exhibitions, there will be a programme of activities including talks, discussions, performances, film shows and book presentations.
The GEM and the Hague Museum of Photography have their own in-house café- restaurant, called Gember Open from 11 a.m. for lunch and dinner.
Visit Gember to enjoy, Job Smeets’ reading table and light art by Babak Afrassiabi and Ralph van Meijgaard. Gember’s furniture is designed by Richard Hutten and its windows offer views of the Gemeentemuseum, the pond and the new seven-metre-tall sculpture by David Bade that adorns the terrace (see also General Information).
GEM Museum
Address: Stadhouderslaan 43, 2517 HV The Hague, Amsterdam
Open: Tue-Sun 12:00-18:00 (Closed on December 25th, January 1st)
Entrance Fee: Adult 5,00 EUR / Student 3,00 EUR
Tel: +31 70 33 811 33
地址:Stadhouderslaan 43, 2517 HV The Hague, Amsterdam
承认:5,00 EUR/学生 3,00 EUR
电话:+31 70 33 811 33