
フランス・ハルス・ミュージアムFrans Hals Museum

フランス・ハルス・ミュージアムは、アムステルダムから電車で15分ほどの、ノールトホラント州のハーレムという15万人の住民が暮らす、のどかな町の中心にある。ミュージアムの名前は17世紀の画家、フランス・ハルスの名前からつけられた。The Frans Hals Museum is located in the center of Haarlem, a cosy city with 150 000 inhabitants, capital of Noord Holland and only a 15 minute trainride away from Amsterdam. It is named after the 17th century painter Frans Hals.






Frans Hals Museum
住所:Groot Heiligland 62, Haarlem, The Netherland
時間:火〜土 11:00〜17:00/日、祝日 12:00〜17:00
料金:大人 7.5ユーロ/子供(0〜18才) 無料/団体 5.25ユーロ(1人あたり)
TEL:+31 23 511 57 75

Text: Filip De Haes
Translation: Junko Isogawa

Entrance fee for an adult is 7,5 euro. Visitors are allowed to take pictures, which is quite remarkable for museums in Holland (and western Europe in general).

The museum rooms form a rectangle around a central garden. The tour through the museum – hosted in a 17th century building – starts with early Flemmish artists like Hans Memling.

Room after room the museum shows colorful amazing paintings. As the rooms and paintings are ordened quite chronologically, you can see the paintings change however:

At the beginning of the tour paintings focus a lot on Christian belief. But while entering the 17th century, you can clearly see Holland being in its Golden Age: trade, science and wealth were at their highest. While Catholic belief got suppressed, the more business-minded Protestants led Holland to masters of world trade. And the main subjects of paintings changed accordingly to landscapes, portraits, still lifes and historical views. They also became darker – don’t ask me why.

The Frans Hals Museum has a great collection of Dutch Golden Age paintings. So if you’re into some history, and if you’re in the neighbourhood, you might want to check this out. When we were there, we were almost the only visitors, so don’t expect queues.

There’s a museum shop and lockers for your bags at the entrance.

Frans Hals Museum
Address: Groot Heiligland 62, Haarlem, The Netherland
Open: Tue-Sat 11:00-17:00 / Sun&Public holiday 12:00-17:00
Closed on 25 December and 1 January
Entrance Fee: Adults 7,50Euro / Children (0-18) free / Groups, per person 5,25Euro
Tel: +31 23 511 57 75

Text: Filip De Haes
Frans Hals博物馆
地址:Groot Heiligland 62, Haarlem, The Netherland
时间:星期二至星期六 11:00-17:00/星期日・祝日 12:00-17:00
承认:成人 7.5Euro/孩子(0-18才) 無料/団体 5.25Euro
电话:+31 23 511 57 75


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