
フォーム・フォトグラフィミュージアム・アムステルダムFoam Fotografiemuseum Amsterdam

インスピレーションに溢れ、アクセスしやすく、未完全だけど非常に影響力のある都市、アムステルダムにぴったりの写真美術館がこの「フォーム」Foam is a museum for photography very suitable for a city like Amsterdam: inspirational, accessible, uncomplicated, yet critical. Foam is more than a museum. Foam is on Keizersgracht, and elsewhere too: in Foam magazine, out on the streets, abroad, on tour.。フォームでは、常に写真に関して熱い議論が交わされ、写真というものを熱心に研究する機会を与えてくれる。そして、ディティールの大切さに重点を置き、幅広い作品のセレクションを行うフォームは、ビッグネームの展示スペースであるだけではなく、無名の金の卵を発掘するギャラリーでもあるのだ。

Foam Fotografiemuseum Amsterdam
住所:Keizersgracht 609, 1017 DS, Amsterdam
時間:10:00〜18:00/木・金 10:00〜21:00(1月1日・4月30日定休)
TEL:+31 20 551 6500
Foam is constant inspiration, presented at different speeds. Major exhibitions interspersed with small-scale, quickly alternating shows. Foam holds lively discussions about photography, while providing an opportunity for concentration and study. Foam presents a broad selection of images, while recognising the importance of detail. Alongside the big names, the museum is a laboratory for developing unknown talent.

Foam features surprising combinations, because it presents the quality of photography in every form: autonomous, documentary and applied. Historical and contemporary.

Foam collaborates with other organisations and companies. Both to realise the museum’s ambitions and because it fits in with Foam’s belief in accessibility. Collaboration provides an opportunity for a broad public to experience the power of photography.

Foam documents and stimulates the development of photography. It gives photographers, image editors, designers and others in the profession a place to meet and find inspiration.

Foam is open and everyone can now enjoy photography.

Foam Fotografiemuseum Amsterdam
Adderss: Keizersgracht 609, 1017 DS, Amsterdam
Open: 10:00-18:00 / Thu&Fri till 21:00 (Closed on Jan 1 and April 30)
Tel: +31 20 551 6500

Foam摄影博物馆 阿姆斯特丹
地址:Keizersgracht 609, 1017 DS, Amsterdam
时间:10:00-18:00/星期四・星期五 10:00-21:00(1/1・4/30休息)
电话:+31 20 551 6500

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