
AWAギャラリーAWA Gallery

© AWA Gallery

© AWA Gallery

OT301 used to be a squat in the Dutch city of Amsterdam located on Overtoom 301. The building is an old film academy and was squatted in 1999 by a group of artists. Currently, It is used in a rangeOT301はオランダの町、オーバトゥーム301に佇んでいた。古き映像学校を1999年によりアーティスト達が活用し始めた。今では、音楽や映画、アトリエ、本屋などを展開し、オーガニックレストラン「De Peper」もオープン。ここをAWAと呼ぶ。

AWA(Artist with Attitude)は、鮮やかで多様性のあるアーティストが集結し、アーティストやアート愛好者達がコミュニケーションを取りながら、作品を展示する機会がAWAギャラリーでは設けられる。チーム編成はアン・ハートグ、ダニエル・ヴォン・ケラー、エスター・バーハム、ニール・ヴィス、マイケ・スタターハイム、マーチン・ハンセンやデュロ・トゥーマトで結成されている。
「Go-Go 24」というプログラムは、24時間の住み込みによって、アーティストが限られた期間内に与えられたスペースで作品を制作する。このプログラムでは、自由に作業することが可能で、制作された作品は展示され、一夜限りだけ見ることができる。2週間より長い期間で制作するレジデンス「Go-Go 301」も2012年4月からスタート。このプログラムでは、住居や制作スペースを自立し、自足できる国際的な場、アムステルダムにて2週間に渡って積極的に制作し、後に作品を展示する。

AWA Gallery (Artist With Attitude)
住所:Overtoom 301, 1054 HW, Amsterdam

Text: Celeste Najt
Translation: Frances Jyo
of ways, including as a venue for music and films, artists workspaces, a bookshop and an ‘organic cultural kitchen’ (a vegan restaurant) called De Peper.  Here is where AWA lives.
AWA (Artists with Attitude) is a vibrant and diverse collective of visual artists that aims to enhance communication between artists, art lovers and those who happen to stumble upon the work presented in the AWA Gallery. The team is commanded by Anne Hartog, Daniel Vom Keller, Esther Verhamme, Niels Vis, Maaike Stutterheim, Martin Hansen and Duro Toomato.

Their idea is to use a model of exhibition-making that focus on the importance of facilitating artists with an open space to present their work and work-in-progress to a diverse audience. The goal of AWA members is to not to be curators but to function as mediators; using their extensive network in the visual arts to generate both audience and participants for the AWA Gallery.

To make this real, they have two different kind of residencies: Go-Go 24, A 24h residency where artists are invited to make new work in the time and space given. In this program the artist is free to experiment and create whatever he or she wants. Anything is possible. The work is presented just one night in a “vernifinisagge” and it can only be seen on that event.

 A two-week-longer residence is also running by AWA since April 2012,  under the name of Go-Go 301. By providing a space to live and work to become international, independent, self-sufficient artists , interested in working intensively in Amsterdam for 2 weeks and present their work at the end of the work period.

AWA is a really lively place, during weekends they organized performances, live music and parties in the big studios of the OT301 building. interesting and vibrant people is often attending. The principal aim of AWA is to let international and national artist meet and explore or discuss each others work.
The space where the art is really alive these days, is AWA Gallery, dont miss their events, they are always preparing something worth seeing. Check their website to know about their opening hours and events.

AWA Gallery (Artist With Attitude)
Address: Overtoom 301, 1054 HW, Amsterdam

Text: Celeste Najt

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