
アムステルダム博物館Amsterdam Museum

© Amsterdam Museum. Gedeelte van een Piëta, CA. 1450

© Amsterdam Museum. Gedeelte van een Piëta, CA. 1450

16世紀の建物を利用したアムステルダム博物館は、13世紀頃から現代までのアムステルダムの歴史を紹介する施設。アムステルダムの街並みを描いた風景画や、素描、版画などのコレクションThe story of Amsterdam, your entry to the city. The Amsterdam Museum tells the compelling story of the growth and helday of this unique city.から、ルーベンス、レンブラントら17世紀の黄金時代の作家達の作品も数多く収蔵している。

Amsterdam Museum
住所:Amstel 51, 1018 EJ, Amsterdam
TEL:+31 20 5231796
The rich collection of works of art, objects and archaeological finds brings to life the fortunes of the Amsterdammers of days gone and today. From a mediaeval child’s shoe and the map of Cornelis Antonisz from 1583, giving a bird’s view of the city, to the impressive Civic Guard paintings from the Golden Age.

David & Goliath, the cafe in the Amsterdam Museum, is famous for its attractive courtyard with terrace and column passage. Evening is available for all your events. The gates of the Amsterdam Museum are closed for visitors, so you have exclusive on the large terrace and inside.

Since March 2022, the Amsterdam Museum can be found on the Amstel, in the building of the Hermitage. During a large-scale renovation of the monumental Burgerweeshuis, the Amsterdam Museum will find its temporary home here. With a completely new range of exhibitions, public programmes and children’s activities. Here, the Amsterdam Museum will display an entirely new collection presentation that, besides the traditional history of Amsterdam, also offers plenty of space for dissenting voices and lesser-known and more recent histories of the city.

Amsterdam Historical Museum
Address: Amstel 51, 1018 EJ, Amsterdam
Open: 10:00 – 17:00
Tel: +31 20 5231796
地址:Postbus 3302, 1001 AC Amsterdam
时间:星期一至星期五 10:00-17:00/星期六・星期日・祝日 11:00-17:00(联系要求)
承认:成人 10 EUR/6〜18歳 5 EUR
电话:+31 20 5231796

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