マレラ・ギャラリー・北京Marella Gallery Beijing
1994年,玛蕊乐画廊创建于意大利,并於1998年在米兰设立主要的展览空间,致力於呈现欧洲,美国等国际性的当代艺术,而自2001年起,也开始关注中国的当代艺术。画廊展出和推广绘画、摄影、录像及新媒体等作品。画廊希望藉由精心策划的展览マレラ・ギャラリーは1994年に設立。1998年に現在のメインスペースをミラノにオープンした。その活動はヨーロッパ、アメリカ、2001年以降には中国の作品リサーチに基づいているMarella Gallery was founded in 1994 and opened its present main space in Milan in 1998. Its activity is based on researching works across Europe, America and, since 2001。ギャラリーはペインティング、写真、ビデオ、およびニューメディア作品を展示。マレラ・ギャラリーの代表的な役割は、重要な展示組織を通じた若手アーティストや新しいプロジェクトの促進や、国際的な美術展示会への参加、そして拡大しているアートマーケットで作品紹介することである。
Marella Gallery Beijing
住所:4 Jiuxianqiao Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing
TEL:+86 10 6433 4055
Text: Yuya Masumoto, also China. The Gallery has been exhibiting paintings and photos, as well as videos and new media works. Marella Gallery’s representative function consists in promoting young artists and new projects through the organization of important shows, taking part to international art fairs and introducing the art works in the expanding art market. Relying on the advertising on international magazines, and on the collaboration with public museums, foundations and biennales, the Gallery puts great effort to make the artists worldly recognized.
After 5 years of investigations and researches in the emerging Chinese contemporary art field, in 2004 fall season Marella Gallery started to present new projects set in different locations of Beijing. Thanks to the collaboration of important local curators, Marella Gallery committed to several activities.
On March 28th 2005, Marella Gallery opened a new space in Beijing, inside the prosperous 798 Art Factory area. This new space’s activity focuses on Chinese artists’ solo shows, on projects suggested by young international curators and on foreign artists’ exhibitions in order to promote a cultural exchange between different experiences.
Marella Gallery Beijing
Address: 4 Jiuxianqiao Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing
Open: 10:00-18:00 (Closed on Monday)
Tel: +86 10 6433 4055
电话:+86 10 6433 4055