ロッシュ・タワーRoche Tower
F. Hoffmann-La Roche AG is a Swiss multinational healthcare company, founded by Fritz Hoffmann-La Roche in 1896. The company started off as a small factory, producing various vitamin preparations and derivatives. It is located in the industrial area, Kleinbasel. Another side of factory, divided by the Rhine river, was called Grossbasel which was a commercial and cultural centre.世界の製薬業界でトップを争う企業ロッシュは、バーゼルヘッドクウォーターキャンパスに2015年、会社のシンボルとなるメインタワーを設けた。デザインは地元出身であり、建築業界でもお馴染みのヘルツォーグ&ドムーロン。これを機にロッシュタワーはスイスで一番高かったチューリッヒのプライムタワー(126m)を追い抜き178メートルで堂々と一位。2021年にはさらにもう一棟27メートルほど高いオフィスハイライズが建てられ、スイスを代表するバーゼルのツインタワーが完成する。
F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd.
住所:Grenzacherstrasse 124, Basel
TEL:+41 (0)61 688 1111
Text: Toru WadaThe company grew and expanded over 100 years, and now their headquarter is located in the high-rise, state-of-the-art building. In 2015, they built Roche Tower, which is taller than the Prime Tower (126m) in Zurich, thus becoming the tallest building (178m) in Switzerland. It was designed by a local – and international – architectural firm, Herzog & de Meuron. They are going to build another skyscraper, which will be 27m taller than Roche Tower in 2021.
As it is a private company, booking is necessary in order to join the guided tour of the Roche Tower. The tour is offered every Saturday and can be booked 4 months in advance. This detailed tour introduces the founder’s background as well as the company’s future prospects. You can also visit the restaurant which is located on the top floor. There, you can overlook not only Basel city, but also much further afield. It is one of the popular hidden spots in Basel city.
F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd.
Address: Grenzacherstrasse 124, Basel
Tel: +41 (0)61 688 1111
Text: Toru Wada
Translation: Chinami Oda