ウェル・バイ・スタジオ・ドーナツWell by Studio Donut

© Well by Studio Donut
From outside the curved glass of a window display, passers-by can see furniture, lighting, accessories on every corner of the store. Here, Well by Studio Donut has for sale a carefully曲線を描くガラス張りのウィンドウからは、家具、照明、小物に至るまであらゆる角度で見る事ができる。ここウェル・バイ・スタジオ・ドーナツは、厳選した世界各地のデザイン、品質の優れたインテリアを販売している。家族の輪の中心をデザインしたいとの思いからドーナツと名付けられ、昨今は家具の買い替えサイクルが早いことに着目し、長く使えて、愛されるインテリアを身近に、をコンセプトとする。
Well by Studio Donut
住所:福岡市中央区薬院4-18-17 1F
selection of premium design interiors from all over the world. Initially focusing on more family friendly designs, which led to the Donut moniker, a recent reaction to the easily disposable household items of nowadays caused a shift on their concept: the brand now focuses on interiors that are both cozy and durable.
As of October 2013, the store has become an authorised reseller in Japan of the Danish “versus/” design company. Their Chikushino based factory, located in Fukuoka prefecture, can manufacture custom made furniture items, in iron as well as wood. These custom made items have created an opportunity for a design concept exchange between an exchange between Denmark and Japan. According to the “versus/” motto “really exceptional design brings joy to people’s lives”, by which their creations, whether at home or abroad, are particularly renowned for their longevity and ease of maintenance.
The unique furniture and interiors conceived at Well by Studio Donut are worthy of a more in-depth look.
Well by Studio Donut
Address: 1F, 4-18-17 Yakuin, Chuo-ku, Fukuoka
Opening Hours: 12:00 – 20:00
Tel: 092-791-6155
Translation: Rafael de Lima