パレ・ド・ソウルPalais de Seoul

© Palais de Seoul
Palais de Séoul Gallery opened in January 2010 in Jongro-gu near Gyeongbok-palace, in the cultural and historic heart of Seoul. Since then it has presented exhibitions of work from new young artists as well as well-known鍾路区にある、ソウルの文化的、歴史的な地域の中心とも言われる景福宮の近くに2010年1月「ソウルの宮殿」を意味するパレ・ド・ソウル・ギャラリーがオープンし、有名なアーティストから新進気鋭の若手アーティストまで、多くの展覧会を展開している。ギャラリーには地下から2階まで3つの展示室があり、オープニング・レセプションのための屋上庭園や1階にはアート・ショップも設けられている。
Palais de Seoul
住所:6 Tongui-dong, Jongno-gu, Seoul
開廊時間:10:00 – 21:00(土曜日曜19:00まで)
TEL:+82 2 730 7707
Translation: Satsuki Miyanishi veteran artists. Palais de Séoul means a palace of Seoul. It has three exhibition halls from the first basement to the second floor, an art shop on the first floor and the roof garden for opening receptions.
The Palais de Séoul aims to discover young artists and share their works with the general public. Also, we would like to be a part of helping the communication between the general public and the art galleries. Having achieved that, we hope to lead the development of culture and arts.
There are windows and terraces in the gallery that visitors could enjoy the view and take a break. Especially, roof garden should not be missed when visiting. The view from the roof garden is spectacular. Visitors can realise that they are indeed in the middle of Seoul, and Seoul has the old and the new. Visitors could look Gyeongbok-palace, the mountains, and the city. Also, the roof garden is used for opening receptions, parties included private events, which can be organized through reservations in advance.
Palais de Seoul
Address: 6 Tongui-dong, Jongno-gu, Seoul
Opening Hours: 10:00 – 21:00 (Saturday, Sunday till 19:00)
Tel: +82 2 730 7707