ニナ・ヤトゥリNina Jatuli

© Nina Jatuli
Nina Jatuli graduated with an MA from Helsinki University of Art and Design and was designer of the year in 2006. In 2011 she participated in a young designer’s event in Stockmanns, a major department store in the centre of Helsinkiヘルシンキ芸術デザイン大学修士課程を卒業したニナ・ヤトゥリは、2006年にデザイナー・オブ・ザ・イヤーを受賞した。2011年には、ヘルシンキの中心部にあるデパート、ストックマンでの若いデザイナーのイベントに参加、またパリの期間限定ショップで彼女の服が販売された。彼女は、クリエイティブ立国として知られるフィンランドで若手デザイナー、アーティストとして名前が知られ始めている一人だ。作品からも見られるように、彼女のような新しい世代のアーティスト作品は、これまで生み出されたデザインやアート作品と並ぶような、またはそれらを超えるものも多い。
Text: Mike Sullivanand her clothing has also appeared in a pop up shop in Paris. She is one of a number of Finnish designers and artists who have started to make a name for themselves in a country famous for the work of its creative sector, as can be seen in her work this new generation is more than ready to meet and exceed the designs and products of their forerunners.
Please introduce yourself and your work.
I am a Helsinki based designer mainly focusing on women’s wear and accessories. My collections are usually print oriented, I love creating bold prints and color combinations. For my spring summer 13 I actually did not have any prints, I was working with the textile industry’s surplus materials and dead stock. It was extremely inspiring to search for the possibilities of material that seemed to others to be worthless and reworking it so that you could find the beauty in it. It was almost like treasure hunting.
What projects have you been working on recently?
I recently launched my second wooden jewelry collection. The collection was laser cut from different types of wood and hand painted with crazy colors. I was really inspired by the combination of the natural feel of the wood and the unnatural colors.
Where do you get inspiration for your designs?
I draw a lot of inspiration of all kinds of visual cultures. I have a habit of sketching on the floor, while movies that have the right colors or atmosphere are playing on my TV. I usually become obsessed with a few movies that I play over and over again, since they provide a great mood for working. I also find my surroundings to be of great inspiration. If I travel, small pieces of the trips are always carried through to my projects. Finland as a country inspires me greatly; the severity of nature and the strongly changing seasons are my main inspirations. I believe that the long darkness of the winter does something to you, so the designers in Finland have a bit of a quirky and unique look to their pieces.
Could you tell us about Helsinki? What do you like about it?
I always recommend people to come here either during the summer to see the white nights or during the winter for the more arctic experience. Helsinki is a quite small city, so it’s easy to move around. I like the atmosphere in Helsinki and the severity of weather. We have very distinctive four seasons and the change of mood of every season inspires me.
Please tell us about your favorite places in Helsinki.
My favorite nightlife in Helsinki is in the Kallio district, which has a reputation of a bohemian and hip neighborhood. Lots of bars and small cafes operate in that area, also some more experimental projects can be found there. There are also a lot of small indie shops in Kallio neighborhood. Helsinki also has a design district in the city center and you can find a lot of boutique styled shops and young designer’s stores there.
Text: Mike Sullivan