マドリード美術協会Circulo De Bellas Artes

© Círculo De Bellas Artes
On the long street of Calle de Alcalá that stretches from the West of Madrid right down to the centre where one can find the Puerta de Sol (door of the sun) there is one buildingマドリードの西から中心部まで続くアルカラ通りと呼ばれる長い道沿いに、プエルタ・デル・ソル(太陽のドア)と呼ばれる広場があり、そこには常に多くの訪問客を魅了する一つの建物がある。その建物は道に立ち並ぶ木々や周辺のビルからひときわ際立ち、まるで大豪邸の中に教会が建っているかのようだ。この建物は1926年に建設されたマドリード美術協会だ。
Circulo De Bellas Artes
住所:C/ Alcala 42, 28014 Madrid
TEL:+34 91 360 5400
Text: Michael Sullivan that is always kept occupied by a stream of visitors. At first glance it does stand out amongst its neighbouring buildings and the tree lined street, its unusual architecture can only be described as similar to a church being placed on top of a mansion. It was built in 1926 and it is the home of the Círculo De Bellas Artes.
It prides itself as having one of the most active cultural programmes in Madrid and it is truly a building that offers itself up for many uses. Spread across seven floors there are many different types of rooms. There are four exhibition rooms dedicated to established and emerging artists, these exhibitions generally last for one to two months and cover a multitude of different media such as photography, music and painting.
A theatre is dedicated to a varied programme of music from classical to popular, as well as dance. During the Christmas period each year this includes shows dedicated to children. In the basement of the building a cinema shows films every day which can’t normally be seen in normal cinemas, including classic movies, foreign movies and seasons dedicated to specific directors.
A unique aspect of the Círculo De Bellas Artes is that it is very much committed to being a centre point for humanities such as literature, philosophy and arts; as such it is open to conferences and discussions on a wide range of subjects. This is complemented by a library which can be found on the fourth floor as well as 15,000 m2 of floor space which can be rented out, whether it is a multi-space room that you need or a workshop room. In addition to all of the above this building also hosts a radio station, Radio Círculo (100.4 FM), that is dedicated to culture.
In order to facilitate its mission as a major multidisciplinary venue it has a very well laid out website available in English and Spanish with a well-designed floor by floor map of the building and a daily events section. It is possible to see all of the exhibitions, shows, movies that are currently on or are coming up in the future which allows you to plan and prepare your trip in advance, as there is no doubt that if you are coming to Madrid that you are looking to experience the culture of Spain.
On the ground floor there is a restaurant which is perfect for a cup of coffee and for three Euros you can enter the building, see the exhibitions, etc, and eventually make your way to the roof where you can see a beautiful view of the city of Madrid.
Círculo De Bellas Artes
Address: C/ Alcalá 42, 28014 Madrid
Tel: +34 91 360 5400
Text: Michael Sullivan