ペレス・プロジェクトPeres Projects

© Peres Projects, Berlin
When a city is known for their avant-garde artists and squat residences, it’s hard to impress the educated art critic. One gallery that does exceed all boundaries is Peres Projects, an incredibly ambitious space showcasing decent art前衛的なアーティストたちの不法占拠で有名になってしまった都市が、有識の芸術評論家に感銘を与えることは難しい。しかし、すべての境界線を越えるギャラリーがその都市にはある、それがペレス・プロジェクトだ。ここは優れた作品が展示されている、とても有望なギャラリーだ。
オーナーのハビエル・ペレスは型にはまらないことで有名で、型破りなキュレーターとの関係も良好だ。おそらくそれこそが成功のカギなのである。 ここでの展示はダン・コレン、テレンス・コー、ダッシュ・スノー、ブルース・ラブルースや俳優でありアーティストでもあるジェームズ・フランコなどが行っており、さまざまな分野のアーティストが参加しているだけでなく、新人発掘も行っている。
Peres Projects Mitte
住所:Grosse Hamburger Strasse 17, Berlin Mitte 10115
TEL:+49 30 2759 50770
Peres Projects Kreuzberg
住所:Schlesische Strasse 26, Berlin 10997
TEL:+49 30 6162 6962
Text: Joanna Kawecki
Translation: Yuki Nakagawa.
Originally founded in Los Angeles, the enigmatic Peres Projects is now found in two permanent Berlin locations whilst still maintaining pop-up status in the US. In Berlin, it is elegantly located in Berlin’s Mitte. The spot is unique, overlooking the bustling ‘middle’ of Berlin and the many surrounding galleries.
The sister gallery is also found in equally happening Kreuzberg, on the opposite side of the Spree.
Owner Javier Peres is renowned for making unconventional choices and maintaining curatorial relationships that think outside the box; perhaps the exact recipe for success. Dan Colen, Terence Koh, Dash Snow, Bruce LaBruce and even actor/artist James Franco have previously exhibited, adding to the cross-section of selected artists; emerging and established.
Without a doubt, a visit to Peres Projects will leave any art critic thoroughly impressed.
Peres Projects Mitte
Address: Grosse Hamburger Strasse 17, Berlin Mitte 10115
Opening Hours: 11:00 – 18:00, or by appointment
Closed on Monday
Tel: +49 30 2759 50770
Peres Projects Kreuzberg
Address: Schlesische Strasse 26, Berlin 10997
Opening Hours: 11:00 – 18:00, or by appointment
Closed on Monday
Tel: +49 30 6162 6962
Text: Joanna Kawecki