フランクフルト現代美術館(MMK)Museum für Moderne Kunst(MMK)

© Museum für Moderne Kunst, Frankfurt Am Main
Museum für Moderne Kunst (MMK)
is located in the city center of Frankfrut am Main. Known for its triangular form of the building as the “piece of cake”, the museum is designed byフランクフルトの街の中心部に位置するフランクフルト現代美術館(MMK)。「一切れのケーキ」と呼ばれている三角のフォルムをした建物は、オーストリアを代表する建築家ハンス・ホラインによるもので、旧市街の古い町並みにあって一際目立つ存在感を放っている。
また、館内にはライブラリー(要事前予約)がある他、MMKのサテライト展示空間としてMMK Zollamtが隣接している。元々フランクフルト市の税関オフィスだった場所を改装してオープンしたこのサテライトでは、定期的に若手アーティストの展覧会を開催している。
Museum für Moderne Kunst (MMK)
住所:Domstraße 10, 60311 Frankfurt am Main
営業時間:10:00~18:00(水曜 20:00まで)
TEL: +49 (0)69 2123 0447
Text: Mariko Takei one of the leading Vienna-based architect Hans Hollein. It has an appealing presence as it is located in the historical town.
Opened in 1991, it is a relative new museum, yet it could be explained as one of the leading place for the contemporary art of the world. Over 4,500 works, the collection includes pieces from the 60’s to the present created by about 440 artists.
The central hall is designed as a center space of the museum, which let a full of sun light into the space from above. In the museum there 40 rooms, and each room has its own proportion with the different use of the light.
In addition to the library space (need appointment), a satellite exhibition site MMK Zollamt is located near the museum, opposite for the museum building. It opened in the renovated costumes office building of the city of Frankfurt.
Every last Saturday of the month is free admission. It is a place for the contemporary art you can fully enjoy.
Museum für Moderne Kunst (MMK)
Address: Domstraße 10, 60311 Frankfurt am Main
Opening Hours: 10:00-18:00 (Wednesday till 20:00)
Closed on Monday
Tel: +49 (0)69 2123 0447
Text: Mariko Takei