湯元 凌雲閣Ryounkaku

© Ryounkaku
Ryounkaku is a hot-spring hotel where is located on the highest place in Hokkaido, at 1280m elevation. From this place you can enjoy the best view of the dynamic beauty標高1,280mと北海道では最も高所にある、その名の通り『雲を凌ぐ』ほどの天空の温泉宿「凌雲閣」。噴煙を吹き上げる十勝岳の安政火口や、そびえ立つ奇岩怪岩、高山植物など、高山特有の美と迫力の絶景を展望できる。
湯元 凌雲閣
日帰り入浴:8:00〜20:00 大人800円(冬期間600円)
of the alpine such as the Ansei crater of Tokachidake, strange rocks and bizarre stones, and alpine plants.
As there is a starting point for climbing to the Tokachidake in front of the hotel, you can enjoy seasonal climbing by setting your base at this hotel. It will take about 5-hour round trip to the peak of Furano Mountains, and about 8 hours to Tokachidake. Backcountry skiing is also popular here during the winter season.
From the outdoor hot spring bath, you can fully enjoy the vast nature of Hokkaido and grand landscape of Tokachidake. Available for the day-use bath, which is popular for climbing and skiing visitors. Recommend for people who visit Furano and Biei.
Address: Tokachidake-onsen, Kamifurano-cho, Hokkaido
Spa Opening Hours: 8:00-20:00
Admission: 800 yen
Room Charge: 9,500 yen – (1 night stay including 2 meals)
Tel: 0167-39-4111
Translation: Mariko Takei