
© Rokkatei
Rokkatei is one of the major confectionery brands in Hokkaido, who is well-known for their famous confections such as Marusei Butter Cookie and White Chocolate. Established in 1933 in Obihiro, the central area of Tokachi「マルセイバターサンド」や「ホワイトチョコレート」など銘菓の数々を生みだしてきた、北海道を代表する和洋菓子ブランドの「六花亭」。1933年に札幌の老舗和菓子店から帯広に暖簾分けするかたちで創業、1977年に六花亭と社名を改め、現在も帯広を拠点に北海道内に数多くの直営店を展開している。
また、六花亭では地域に根差した幅広い文化的な活動も行っている。十勝地方にある広大な敷地内に美術館やレストランが点在する「中札内美術村」や、中札内美術村から車で10分ほどに位置する「六花の森 坂本直行記念館」、2010年春に富良野にギャラリーとオリジナルメニューが楽しめる喫茶室を併設した「カンパーナ六花亭」、同じく富良野にオープンした予約制のお食事処「六花山荘」がある。この他にも、札幌市内には「食」をテーマにした本を多数蔵書する喫茶「六花文庫」や月に一度コンサートを行う「真駒内六花亭ホール」がある。
六花亭 円山店
営業時間:9:00〜19:00 / 喫茶 10:30〜18:30(L.O.18:00)
Text: Mariko Takei region in Hokkaido, Rokkatei was originally started from one of the established Japanese confectioners in Sapporo, which later independently opened in Obihiro. Renamed as Rokkatei in 1977, it restarted its own company based in Obihiro city and currently has 16 directly owned stores only in Hokkaido.
One of their most famous confections is Marusei Butter Cookies, which is a long-producing sweet made with Hokkaido-produced butter, California raisins, and white chocolate, mixed and sandwiched with biscuits. The name and package design is originated from the butter made by Benzo Yoda, a pioneer of the Obihiro region back in the Meiji era.
A range of Rokkatei’s confections includes madeleine made with a lot of butter “Daiheigen”, the first white chocolate made in Japan in 1968 “White Chocolate”, brick-silo-shaped cheese sablé “Rich Land”, freeze-dried strawberry coated with chocolate “Strawberry Chocolate” among many other popular products. There are more than 200 variations of confections, which you can pick your favorite pieces to purchase for your coffee time at home or gift.
Rokkatei is also famous for its package with flowers illustrated by a Hokkaido born artist Naoyuki Sakamoto. Some other packages of Rokkatei’s confections are dressed with his flower illustration including the cover illustration for their monthly publication “Silo“. Featuring poems created by kids in the community, Silo marked its 50th anniversary in 2010.
Rokkatei approaches to conduct a wide range of cultural activities in the regional community including the huge premises with museums and restaurants in the Tokachi region “Nakasatsunai Art Village” and “Rokkanomori, Sakamoto Naoyuki Museum“, a cafe and gallery opened in Furano in the spring of 2010 “Campana Rokkatei“, and another restaurant in Furano where you can enjoy their lunch menu by appointment only “Rokka Cottage“. “ In Sapporo city, there is a well-stocked food related book library and cafe “Rokka Bunko” as well as a place holding a monthly concert “Makomanai Rokkatei Hall“.
There are directly owned shops located in various cities in Hokkaido, and some of them have cafe spaces, where you can enjoy original sweets menus and meals (menu contents depend on locations). If you are visiting Sapporo, it is accessible to the Maruyama store and Makomanai Rokkatei Hall store, which are located near subway stations.
Rokkatei Maruyama
Address: 174, South 2 West 27, Chuo-ku, Sapporo
Opening Hours: 9:00-19:00 / Cafe 10:30-18:30 (L.O.18:00)
Tel: 0120-012-666 (Domestic only)
Text: Mariko Takei
六花亭 円山店
开放时间:9:00-19:00 / 饮茶 10:30-18:30(最后命令18:00)