
© Kagetsudo
Kagetsudo is one of the old established Japanese confectionery shop with a history of over 150 years. Founded in 1851 in the current Niigata prefecture, the first and second generation made confections for the lord小樽で創業150年以上の歴史を誇る老舗和菓子屋「花月堂」。嘉永4年(1851年)に越後(新潟県)新発田にて創業。初代、二代目は、殿様に寒菊や落雁、羊かんなどを造って献上する御用菓子司を務めた。明治37年(1904年)、三代目が北海道で当時最も活気のある港町である小樽に本格的な和菓子を届けたいという想いで、小樽へと移り開業した。
花月堂 堺町店
Text: Asami Miyamura. In 1904 the third generation moved to Otaru Hokkaido, where was a vibrant port town at that time, to deliver authentic Japanese-style confection in the area.
Since the foundation, Kagetsudo explores to make new style of Japanese confection as well as the Western style one, while they focus on the traditional Japanese sweets. Among their lineups, one of the historically and locally treasured confections is Ezo-no-Kaori, which is a jelly-type confection made with locally produced konbu (kelp). This famous confection is known as a confection purchased by the Showa emperor. There is a wide range of both soft and baked confectionery made with traditional technique, such as castella cake, mochi (pounded sweet rice) with sweet bean paste, and dorayaki (castella pancakes) wrapped around a filling of pudding.
Located in the tourist town Otaru, the Sakai-machi store opens its shop in the renovated old building which was formally used for the Otaru branch of the old 103th National Bank constructed in 1893. The building is designated as a historic building in Otaru. There is a cafe space with a concept of classical and modern, where you can feel the moment of historic Kagetsudo, enjoying coffee or green macha tea.
The Kagetsudo products are available at their branch shops and distributors located in Sapporo and other regions in Hokkaido.
Address: 1-20 Sakai-machi, Otaru, Hokkaido
Opening Hours: 9:00 – 19:00
Tel: 0134-21-3388
Text: Asami Miyamura
Translation: Mariko Takei花月堂 堺町店