クロスホテル札幌Crosshotel Sapporo

© Crosshotel Sapporo
「音楽」「ファッション」「アート」をキーワードに、従来のデザインホテルとはあらゆる面において一線を画す「クロスホテル札幌」。2007年のオープン以来、海外のホテルを思わせるスタイリッシュな雰囲気と様々なイベント企画Crosshotel Sapporo opened its door in 2007, holding the line against other conventional design hotels with their keywords of “music”, “fashion” and “art”. They offer a high style atmosphere in the spaceで話題を呼び、クリエイティブに敏感な人々のミーティングポイントとして常に活気溢れている。
サッポロ・シティ・ジャズとのコラボレーションイベントをはじめ、様々な音楽イベントも行われている。2009年夏にはオリジナルコンピレーションアルバム「WORLD COVER vol.01」を全国リリースした。ホテルのプロモーションというだけでなく札幌のカルチャーを全国へ発信しようとする試みとしても注目したい。
Text: Marie Kawasuji where they hold various events regularly, which gained attractive attention as a communicating hub for creative people.
On the ground floor, you will enjoy art exhibitions entitled as ART-X showcasing works by Hokkaido-based artists. As the space is facing towards the open space outside, the passersby can view the exhibition through the big glass window. The exhibition will be regularly changed once in 2 months.
The hotel also offers various music events such as a collaboration with Sapporo City Jazz. You should check out their approach trying to introduce the Sapporo culture nationwide not only in the promotional purpose.
The hotel plays a role as a hub for the fashion culture, organizing fashion events including a collaborative event with Miss Universe Japan. “Not bounded by the standard idea of hotels, we want to create a new culture playing a role as one of media,” says the chief manager Mr. Nanbu.
Not surprisingly, the hotel fulfills the need for the guests, offering a excellent guest room which you can choose from variations, spa with views, authentic Italian food, lounge bar where you can enjoy music, art and drinks. Great place to stay for your business, friends and families.
Crosshotel Sapporo is a place where people “cross” over, inspiring each other to bring changes to the neighbors and all people involved in and around. The hotel started to explore other places nationwide to spread their comfort and style.
Crosshotel Sapporo
Address: 23, North 2 West 2, Chuo-ku, Sapporo
Tel: 011-272-0010
Text: Marie Kawasuji
Translation: Mariko Takei札幌Cross大酒店