
© Shouwa
Shouwa is a “legendary” live cafe where those Japanese popular musicians has left at their youth including Tulip, Kaientai, Yosui Inoue, Kai Band, Tsuyoshi Nagabuchi, Takanori Jinnai (The Rockers)チューリップ、海援隊、井上揚水、甲斐バンド、長淵剛、陣内孝則(ザ・ロッカーズ)ら、そうそうたる顔ぶれのミュージシャンたちが巣立っていった“伝説”のライブ喫茶「照和」。1970年、学生運動が吹き荒れ、反戦フォークが流行った時代に、教育者でもあったオーナーが、須崎公園で毎日のように歌っていた若者たちを「音楽によって更生させたい」と照和に呼び寄せたことから、無名のうた歌いたちがギター片手に集まるようになり、その「伝説」は始まった。
LIVE&喫茶 照和(しょうわ)
住所:福岡市中央区天神2-10-2 福田ビルB1
営業時間:喫茶 11:00~18:00 / LIVE 毎週金・土を中心に19:00~21:30
Text and photo: Riyua Jo.
In 1970, the age of the rise of student activism and anti-war folk songs, an educator and owner of the cafe called up to bring the young musicians who has sung at Suzaki Park like everyday, with an aim to educate them with music. Since then, nameless singers started to gather, with a guitar in the hand, in Shouwa and the legend has started.
At that time, Kyushu-based musicians set their goal to perform a live on the Shouwa’s stage. And once the dream came true, they trained themselves with lives. And after each live, they criticized each other. The strict audience who “didn’t accept bad performance” nurtured a number of big musicians. “There were many people gathered from all around Kyushu areas. Lucky to get a ticket once in 3 times,” says a staff who looked back on the past days.
Currently they offer lives mainly on Fridays and Saturdays, supporting the music scene in Fukuoka. During 11:00 to 18:00, they open as a cafe serving coffee, caramel macchiato, Showa’s special curry set, Tenjin Mentai fried rice and so on.
Address: B1 Fukuda Bld., 2-10-2 Tenjin, Chuo-ku, Fukuoka
Opening Hours: Cafe 12:00-18:00 / LIVE Every weekend 19:00-21:30
Tel: 092-751-5636
Text and photo: Riyua Jo
Translation: Mariko Takei音乐与咖啡 照和
地址:福岡市中央区天神2-10-2 福田ビルB1
时间: 11:00-18:00 / 音乐 星期五和星期六的主要19:00-21:30