オスティナット・ホステルOstinatto Hostel
In San Telmo there is a different accommodation offer for travellers: Ostinatto.
It is an initiative by Federico Oddino, who was struck by the idea of opening this hostelサン・テルモには、旅行者向けのちょっと変わった宿泊施設がある。それが「オスティナット」だ。経営者フェデリコ・オディーノは、自らのボリビアでのバックパッカー体験中にこのホステルのアイディアをひらめいた。彼は言う。『私が考えた理想的な形とは、旅行者同士が共有できるユニークで個性的な場所。彼らが休息のひとときをお互いに共有できることを目指したのです。』
Ostinatto Hostel
住所:680 Chile Street, San Telmo, Buenos Aires
TEL:+54 11 43629639/43002535
Text: Celeste Najt
Translation: Shiori Saito during a backpacker trip to Bolivia. ‘The ideal I sought was to create a unique and original place where to share with those who are travelling, sharing each traveller’s moment to stop,’ Federico says.
Originally, the building was a dilapidated boarding house on which this modern space, with its remaining spirit of an old house in Buenos Aires, was built from scratch. The idea was to create bright stripped-down rooms. In order to do so, glass, windows and simple but strong colours have been used.
What renders this hostel interesting is its variety of common spaces and activities: there is an art gallery, a huge breakfast table for all the guests, a micro-cinema where different cultural events are held (live bands, DJs, VJs, independent films, etc), a small swimming-pool with a view of the city, a piano-bar with a stage, yoga, Spanish and tango lessons and city tours, among other things.
The guests at Ostinatto are characterized by their open-mindedness and their cosmopolitan interests. The owner’s intention has been to create a rich environment for interchange for the tourist who has come a great distance and is curious about Buenos Aires and its particularities.
There are several differences between what a traditional hostel offers and Ostinatto’s proposal: the sense of humour perceived in its atmosphere, its music, its modern accommodation concept, the socio-cultural interaction with the guests, the life stories.
If you are planning a visit to Buenos Aires and would like to stay at an original place, where relaxation and positive energy are predominant, consider staying at Ostinatto.
Ostinatto Hostel
Address: 680 Chile Street, San Telmo, Buenos Aires
Tel: +54 11 43629639/43002535
Text: Celeste NajtOstinatto旅馆
地址:680 Chile Street, San Telmo, Buenos Aires
电话:+54 11 43629639/43002535