JRタワー展望室 T38JR Tower T38

© JR Tower
The 38-story JR Tower is the highest architecture in Sapporo (July, 2009). The top floor is JR Tower Observatory T38JRタワーは、札幌で最も高い建築物(2009年7月現在)であり、その最上階、38階に札幌を一望できる「JRタワー展望室 T38」がある。フロア全体が展望室となっているので、360°のパノラマが楽しめる。
JRタワー展望室 T38
住所:札幌市中央区北5条西2丁目 JRタワー38階
営業時間:10:00〜23:00(最終入場 22:30)
Text: Ayano Yamada, which provides 360 degree panorama of the city from the height of 160m.
The view including Ishikari Bay and mountains around Sapporo is one of the greatest scenes in this area. Since the tower is located in the downtown, the night view is also excellent. Neon lights of the Sapporo TV Tower and Noria make it more amazing.
Guests can enjoy the view with a cup of coffee at the cafe in the observation room. They offer the cafe menu in the daytime that focuses on mainly soft drink. In the nighttime, it changes into a bar and provides wine and cocktails.
At the entrance of the room, there is Sapporo Style Shop. It carries items produced by companies and artists in Sapporo. They’ll be good for souvenirs and presents for someone. Don’t forget to check the shop with the observatory.
JR Tower T38
Address: 38F JR Tower, North 5 West 2, Chuo-ku, Sapporo
Opening Hours: 10:00-23:00 (Last entry 22:30)
Entrance Fee: Adult 700 yen, Students 500 yen
Tel: 011-209-5500
Text: Ayano YamadaJR塔展望室 T38
地址:札幌市中央区北5条西2丁目 JRタワー38階