
Kyubei Kiyomizu (1922-2006) is a pioneer of abstract sculpture in Japan as well as a ceramic artist of Kyoyaki, one of kinds of porcelain produced in Kyoto日本における抽象彫刻の第一人者で、京焼の陶芸家としても活躍した、清水九兵衛(きよみずきゅうべえ、1922〜2006年)。大型モニュメントを得意とし、アルミニウムを使用したシャープで大胆な造形が特徴的。1979年に、第一回ヘンリー・ムーア大賞展優秀賞をはじめ数多くの受賞歴があり、国際的にも高い評価を得ている。拠点を構えていた京都・関西地区をはじめ、日本各地で数多くの作品を見ることができる。
設置場所:福岡市早良区百道浜2丁目3-8(RKB前). Specialized in large-scale monuments, his sculpture is characterized by sharp and dynamic forms made with aluminum. Awarded for many times including the 1st Henry Moore grand prize exhibition, he has highly acclaimed internationally. Many of his works can be seen in various areas nationwide, including his base city Kyoto and beyond.
He has been creating works for his entire life themed on “affinity” looking closely into the relationship between an artwork and its surrounded space. Kouhayou (photo, 1996) is one of his “Shu” series, which is located in front of RKB Mainichi Broadcasting Building at Seaside Momochi, near the Fukuoka Tower. Regardless of its vivid color and dynamic design, Kouhayou is one of his later works, integrated into the surrounding area to make its presence.
At Seaside Momochi, you can enjoy various public art at an aero gallery Dune. As the city of Fukuoka is proceeding a plan to create towns with sculpture, including Henry Moore’s “Draped Reclining Mother and Baby” at Hakata Station Square, Yayoi Kusama’s “Pumpkin” at Fukuoka Art Museum, Nam June Paik’s video installation at Canal City, Clement Meadmore’s “Swing” located near Ohori Park and artworks created by Asian artists in Hakata Riverain at Fukuoka Asian Museum among other public art.
Sculpture by Kyubei Kiyomizu
Place: RKB, 2-3-8 Momochi-hama, Sawara-ku, Fukuoka
Translation: Mariko Takei向波容