ウォーター・ヴィラWater Villas
UNスタジオによって設計された、48戸の「ウォーター・ヴィラ」は、アムステルダムからもほど近いアルメーレに建てられた実験的な住宅群。The 48 water villas designed by UNStudio are situated in an experimentally developed housing area at the periphery of Almere.水辺の別荘をコンセプトに個々のニーズに最大限柔軟に対応できるように設計されている。基本的なパッケージの組み合わせで構成されていて、オプションにより各ヴィラは繋げて拡張することもできる。
Water Villas
住所:Almere The concept for the water villas was about creating a living environment with a maximal flexibility to meet individual needs. Each villa consists of a basic package, which can be extended and elaborated depending on personal preferences and lifestyle of the client. The basic package consists of 2 concrete modules of 6 meters in the width, 10 meters in the depth and 3 meters in the height. The first floor is shifted to obtain a roof balcony. An optional package is developed to extend the basic housing type according to individual needs. It offers the possibility to elaborate and increase its volumetric potential.
Water Villas
Address: Almere水上别墅