ト・ホテル‘t Hotel

© 't Hotel
ト・ホテルはアムステルダムで最も静かな運河沿いのヨルダン地区に位置している。とても心地が良く、都会の生活の忙しさに邪魔されない場所であるにも関わらず、アンネ・フランクの家や‘t Hotel is situated in the famous quarter the Jordaan, along the Leliegracht canal, which belong to the calmest canals in Amsterdam.、ゴッホ美術館、国立美術館など歴史的に有名な観光施設にも徒歩で行くことができる。
‘t Hotel
住所:Leliegracht 18, 1015 Amsterdam
TEL:+31 20 42 22 741
Translation: Tamami Kadowaki It is very pleasant locality; undisturbed from a rush of the city life however only a few minutes walk far from the historical centre.
The Leliegracht (‘gracht’ means ‘canal’) is one of Amsterdam’s prettiest and most tranquil canals. Lime trees filter the sunlight, at night lanterns create a peaceful and romantic atmosphere. An enchanting neighbourhood, though blissfully uncrowded.
‘t Hotel has eight rooms. All rooms have their own private bathroom. On topfloor (third) you can find our family room Amstel and Leliegracht (canalview).
In the immediate vicinity of ‘t Hotel you will find a wonderful variety of well-regarded restaurants (a ‘recommendation’ list is available in your room) as well as those authentic Dutch bars called ‘Bruin Cafes’. ‘t Hotel are close to the Dam Square, the Kalverstraat and Nine streets (the main shopping areas in town), the Westerkerk with next to it the Anne Frank House and the Jordaan district. All the greatest Amsterdam musea (Rijksmuseum, Van Gogh Museum), as well as the night life attractions are within either walking distance or alternatively, a short tram ride from ‘t Hotel.
‘t Hotel
Address: Leliegracht 18, 1015 Amsterdam
Tel: +31 20 42 22 741
地址:Leliegracht 18, 1015 Amsterdam
电话:+31 20 42 22 741