コレットのシンボルキャラクターとしてあまりにも有名なカペリーノ&ペペローネ。その生みの親であるクンゼル+デガが、ちょうどカペリーノ&ペペローネが心地よくうけている風に乗せてJust like Caperino & Peperone feeling the nice breeze, we can feel the warm air of spring along with their creator’s voice of Kuntzel+Deygas, as known well for their creation of the iconic symbol of colette.、春の暖かな空気と共に2人の言葉を届けてくれた。パリで花開いたクンゼル+デガのクリエイティブワールドは、ファッション、映画、CDカバー、パッケージ、本など様々な形で世界中に広がっている。
トロゼ通りにある映画館「Studio 28」。
1990年のデビュー以来、キャラクターとファッション&アート両世界を横断し続けているパリ在住のナラティブ・デザイナー。「カペリーノ&ペペローネ」「The Beauty and Her Beast」のクリエイターであり、ミニマルなアプローチにより様々なメディアでストーリーを展開中。
Text & Translation: Mariko Takei The Kuntzel+Deygas’s creativity flourished in Paris and soon spread all around the world, taking in the diverse forms of fashion, movies, CD covers, packages books and more.
Could you tell us how do you spend your free time in Paris?
A visit to the Flea Market Porte de Clignancourt is an easy way to change our mind. It’s just next door to our workplace. incredible bookstore (used books) “Librairie de L’Avenue Henri Veyrier“.
Long walks all over the Montmartre hill, with a preference for the hidden side of the hill (metro stations Lamarck, Jules Joffrin and Chateau Rouge)
Please give some names of few favorite places in Paris with the reason why you like.
Theater: “Studio 28”
Decorated by Jean Cocteau in the 40’s, this small cinema have a very personal programation. We sometimes used this place for private screenings of our creations. There’s a nice garden/patio to have a drink in summer.
Restaurant: “Au Négociant”
Our favorite restaurant so far to eat an authentic family style french cuisine (boudin, tête de veau, tripoux, choux farci… and excellent home made fruit pies and chocolate cream) with very good wine selection (coming from small wineries, organic wines as well). You can also come and buy wine bottles to carry away. The owner Jean Navier manage to create his delicious classics in the smallest kitchen we ever seen. And no music in the dining room, wich is rare ! Hurry up if you want to experience it because Mr and Ms Navier will soon go to retirement.
Fashion: “AZZARO”
www.fascineshion.com an online portal about the most exciting creations and events in Paris.
KUNTZEL+DEYGAS, narrative designers based in Paris.
Since their debuts in 1990, they continue to break the borders between the world of characters and the one of fashion and art. The creators of “Caperino&Peperone”, “The Beauty and Her Beast” amongst others tell stories on various media with a minimalistic approach.
Text: Mariko Takei