
front: Clara Leskovar, back: Doreen Schulz
c.neeonはベルリンを拠点に活躍するテキスタイルデザイナーのクララ・レスコバとファッションデザイナーのドレーン・シュルツのファッションブランド。c.neeon is the name of a berlin based fashion brand duo of a textile designer Clara Leskovar and a fashion designer Doreen Schulz.2001年から共に活動し、2004年にレーベルを立ち上げた。彼らの服は、カットアップされた非常に手の込んだテキスタイルデザインやドイツらしいシャープさ、ネオポップアートとエレガントなストリートウエアを掛け合わせたようなスタイルだ。2005年、フランスで開催された第20回目にあたる「Hyères Festival International de Mode & de Photographie」にc.neeonは招待され、そこでグランプリを獲得。更に同年、当時「日本におけるドイツ年」だった日本で、代官山にあるヒルサイドテラスにてドイツ新世代のファッションデザイナーを紹介する展覧会「moDe!」が開催され参加した。Topshopのコレクションを発表し、ロンドンファッションウイークでもショーを行った。2006年にはドイツ工芸博物館で「In Sachen: c.neeon」という展示が開催された。
クララ:その受賞した「Hyères Festival International de Mode & de Photographie」というコンペのグランプリは、ヨーロッパの若手ファッションデザイナーが獲得する最高の賞のひとつなんです。獲得する賞金の大きさということよりも、ファッションデザイナーとして世の中に出て行くための素晴らしい機会を与えてくれるんです。私たちは、1年間プロモーションサポートしてもらい、イギリスの革新的なファッション小売店、Topshopのコレクションを行うことができました。
ドレーン:JORINDE VOIGTのオープニングに行きました。彼女の作品は好きですね。でも普段はあまり外に遊びにいく時間がないんですが、アートや音楽は楽しんでるし、仕事で出会う人々から影響受けたりしてます。
Text: Shintaro Miyazaki from la-condition-japonaise, Berlin
Translation: Mariko Takei They work together since 2001 and founded their label in 2004. Their style of clothes is a mixture of cut-up high eleborated surface textile design, German sharpness, neo pop art and elegant street wear. In 2005 c.neeon was invited to the 20th ‘Hyères Festival International de Mode & de Photographie’ in France where they won the ‘Grand Prix’ of the festival. In the same year c.neeon participiated also at the fashion exhibition “moDe!” at Hillside Terrace in Daikanyama (Tokyo) during the German year, which represented a new generation of German fashion designers. They have done a collection for Topshop and have been showing at London fashion week. In 2006, the German museum of decorative arts showed the exhibition ‘In Sachen: c.neeon’.
Where do you get your inspiration for your clothes?
Clara: As we have both studied at Kunsthochschule (= art college) Weissensee-Berlin we are quite influenced of the architecture and fine arts from the Bauhaus era, but also from the Viennese Workshops and Art Deco, russian Constructivism. Ah and we like also the artwork of Sonia Delaunay-Terk, because of her nice color patterns.
Doreen: You know our school was very interdisciplinary, which is a model also from the Bauhaus itself. It is the reason we work together now. We had the same courses.
What is your own story of c.neeon?
Doreen: As we told you earlier we studied at Weissensee. Which is our startingpoint. We were quite influenced by Eva Mücke, who was then Professor for fashion design. Eva was a teacher since 1981 and did a lot of fashion also in the former east germany.
Clara: She worked also for Sibylle, which was sort of a East German version of Vogue.
Doreen: Anyway, we graduated 2004 with a final collection and worked on some more collections until we applied for the fashion competition, which we luckily won.
Clara: The Grand Prix of ‘Hyères Festival International de Mode & de Photographie’ is one of the best awards for young fashion designers in Europe. But it is not an award where you get a huge amount of money. It is more a great opportunity for emerging fashion designers. We got a promotion support for one year and we could do a collection for top shop, which is an innovative uk-based fashion retailer.
What are your backgrounds?
Clara: I am grown up in Berlin. I lived in Kreuzberg, Tiergarten and then Prenzlauer Berg. Doreen is from Thüringen, which is in east mid Germany, but she is living in Berlin since more than ten years.
Do you enjoy the art and music scene in Berlin?
Doreen: I was at the opening of Jorinde Voigt. I liked her work. But usually we don’t have much time for going out a lot. But we enjoy the scene and we get inspired by people we meet during work.
How do you want c.neeon to develop in future?
Doreen: We want to do more feminine fashion, but still keep our casual young image. But maybe a bit more grown-up: More elegance.
Text: Shintaro Miyazaki from la-condition-japonaise, Berlin