ヨハン・アンゲルガルドJohan Angergård

© Victor Moreno
If the word Sweden very often is related to quality pop music, besides ABBA, that is in main part because of Johan Angergård. He manages Labrador Records since more than 10 yearsスウェーデンという言葉から上質のポップミュージックを連想する人は多いが、その背景にあるのはABBAだけではない。忘れてはならないのがヨハン・アンゲルガルドという人物だ。ストックホルムのソーデルマルムにオフィスを構える「ラブラドール・レコーズ」を10年以上にわたり主宰する彼は、最新のスウェーデンポップを世界に発信するパイオニアである。世界中で賞賛を受ける彼のレーベルは、アシッド・ハウス・キングス、ワルツ・フォー・デビイ、インゲンティング、ザ・レディオ・デプトを筆頭に名だたるアーティストを世に広めてきた。その成功をもたらした一番の理由は、自らの信念にとことん忠実なヨハン・アンゲルガルドの生き方であろう。
Text and photo: Victor Moreno
Translation: Shiori Saito. The office is located in the so-called area of Södermalm in Stockholm. He is a pioneer exporting new Swedish pop abroad. The label carries on with a good reputation all over the world. Acid House Kings, Waltz for Debbie, [ingenting] or The Radio Dept. just to mention a few artists belonging to the catalogue. Johan is loyal to his principles, surely the main reason to explain the success behind the label.
Tell me about how you started the record label.
I’ve been the head of Labrador during most of the time and I own the majority of it, but it actually wasn’t me who started it. It was founded by Bengt Rahm in 1998. He started by doing two 7″ compilation singles and my band Acid House Kings was on the first one. He also contacted me to release my band Club 8 in Sweden and eventually Club 8 “The Friend I Once Had” was the first album release on Labrador. I had another label during that time called Summersound Recordings. I started working with Bengt and Labrador shortly after “The friend…” and soon we merged the two labels. The idea has been the same from day one: release music we love and spread the best Swedish pop to the world. And never to compromise on quality and ideals.
Sweden is a great exporter in music, fashion and design. How is this fact from your point of view?
I don’t know how that came about. Especially not when it comes to fashion and design. When we started Summersound and Labrador the Swedish music scene was very dull actually. But if you ask why so many good bands come from Sweden I think it’s because people see music as art and not a career. In the UK or the US for example bands might have management planning what they’re going to do once they have their first platinum disc before they’ve released their debut single. It’s not like that here. Most bands, artists and song writers in Sweden create and develop themselves without thoughts of taking over the world. That makes it easier to make something genuinely good, interesting, personal and new instead of something that the so-called industry think is going to appeal to the masses.
How could you describe the success of the “swedishness” or in other words how a small country with about 9 million inhabitants can get such a big influence worldwide?
It spells I.N.D.E.P.E.N.D.E.N.C..E. … haha..
Labrador is well-known in different markets worldwide. Where do you sell most copies?
The US has rapidly, only the last year, grown to be our biggest market. Even bigger than Sweden! But when it comes to how known our bands are, or perhaps even how big their so called “star-status” is I think Labrador is biggest in perhaps Indonesia or other countries in South East Asia.
Is it something you miss about how music industry work in Sweden if you compare to UK or US or it just the other way around, something that others should learn from here?
It seems to be so much more about business and less about the love for music on those bigger markets. I want to make a living on this as well, but I’d rather get another job than adept, if ever so little, to the mainstream. That means Labrador can be 100% about my very own personal taste in music. As my taste is fairly narrow this means we get a very distinct musical profile. That’s something I like with other labels; a distinct profile. If I like one thing on a label it should be an incentive to check out the other bands on the label.
Which are the main factors for you to get a band into the label?
If I love their music I’ll sign them. I might add “if I love their recordings”. If a band is good live or not makes no big difference for me, the recordings are the most important things for me.
How do you usually you get to know bands or do you look for new perspectives in Labrador?
I listen to demos – I’ve signed most of our bands from demos that we sent in one way or the other to us. I also get quite a lot of tips from friends and check out bands on the usual places like blogs, myspace-pages and so on. I’ve become increasingly picky and hard to please with the years. In order to really love a band there needs to be an element of surprise in the music. I need the feeling “Oh, I haven’t heard this before”. Or at least “Oh, I haven’t heard anything like this in a very long time”. Or “Oh, this is just very personal”…
When did you move to Stockholm? What do you like the most here?
I moved here in 1999. I think. I can’t imagine living in another city in Sweden. Stockholm is quite beautiful, we have the water, there’s culture, it’s close to the nature, it’s the only fairy big city in Sweden… if I was to live somewhere else in Sweden it would be in the country side.
I think you have a showcase night at Debaser in Stockholm every month, right?
Only sometimes. We like to arrange parties when we have new releases to celebrate. Usually we do it when two bands have new releases out about the same time. They’ll play live and we have other bands on the label DJ:ing. We also had a DJ-battle club this summer.
Is the label involved in other events?
No, I don’t want it to get the Labrador name into a bunch of non-relevant stuff like block-parties, fashion shows or any other type of events. It might muck up what the label stands for.
Could you be so kind to drop some tips for our readers about Stockholm,?
Almost anywhere in the archipelago is lovely. Runmarö and Utö for example are lovely, but it’s probably even nice if you go further out so it’s more desolate. We used to have our office close to the record store Record Hunter and so I snuck in a couple of times every week to check out what’s new and get recommendations. It’s a really good shop. And there’s a lot of shops for used record in this neighbourhood (St Eriksplan).
I love some of the really touristic places here. For people who live in Stockholm, they’re underrated. You don’t go there because “it’s touristic”. Like old town – Gamla Stan. I truly noticed how amazing that is only a couple of years ago. Or Djurgården. Close to the city, nice place to eat or go for walks and watch the water like I really like.
Motorverkstaden is a great place to eat if you have a car. Good food and lovely environment. It’s on the island “Djurö” in the archipelago. There’s a bridge to the island so you can drive there. 30 min from Stockholm I think.
Snotty and Berlin on Skånegatan are two really small bars which usually play quite good music.
Södra Teatern is, like the name might reveal, a theatre. It’s by far the best place for concerts in Stockholm. Everything is about twice as good than normal when it’s there. Beautiful place.
Oh, Labrador is a classic dog species here in Sweden, I guess the name of the label is related that?
It must be, but I never gotten a really good answer from Bengt why it’s called that…
Text and photo: Victor Moreno