
© Ofr.
Ofr. celebrated its 15th anniversary in 2011. A gallery and bookstore, Ofr. has been promoting Parisian culture since its opening. The shop, which stands for “Open, Free, Ready”, is the creation of siblings Alexandre and Marie2011年にオープン15周年を迎えた「Ofr.」(オーエフアール)。ギャラリーと書店が併設されたスポットであり、オープン以来、パリのカルチャーを支えている。「Open, Free, Ready」の略称であるOfr.は、アレクサンドルとマリの兄妹によって生まれ、当初はカナル・サン・マルタン沿いにあったという。現在は、リパブリック広場から程近い場所に位置し、多くの人々の憩いの場となっている。
住所:20, rue Dupetit-Thouars, 75003 Paris
営業時間:10:00〜20:00(日曜 14:00〜19:00)
TEL:+33 (0)1 4245 7288
Text and photo: Shotaro Okada, and was originally located along the Canal Saint Martin. Currently, Ofr. can be found near the Republique, and serves as a restful haven for many Parisians.
Whether they are planning a gallery event or choosing a book for the literary space, the brother and sister duo handpick artists and titles, regardless of their fame or reputation. This honest approach has won the support of their customers and even artists, such as Mark Borthwick. Ofr. also distributes Purple and self service, which are now the go-to magazines on Paris fashion.
The space has a warm DIY atmosphere. It’s a perfect place to stop by like a neighborhood café. Visiting during one of their events is recommended; you will most likely have a delightful time.
Address: 20, rue Dupetit-Thouars, 75003 Paris
Open Hours: 10:00-20:00 (Sunday 14:00-19:00)
Tel: +33 (0)1 4245 7288
Text and photo: Shotaro Okada
Translation: Makiko Arima