大濠公園能楽堂Ohori Nougakudo

© Ohori Nougakudo
At ‘Ohori Koen Nougakudo’, situated in the vast Ohori Park, it is possible to enjoy a variety of Japanese traditional classical theatre such as Noh and Kyogen throughout the year広大な大濠公園の中にある、「大濠公園能楽堂」では、能、狂言など日本の誇るべき財産である様々な古典芸能を年間を通じて堪能できる。能、狂言は、海外でも高く評価される伝統文化であり、大切に引き継いでいかなければならない伝統芸能だろう。能装束の美しさ、笛、小鼓の音色、大鼓、太鼓のリズム、謡のメロディー、日本人であれば心に響くものがあるに違いない。
. Noh and Kyogen are types of Japanese traditional theatres that should be kept alive as they both have been highly valued in overseas. The beautiful Noh costume, the tone of a traditional flute or a small hand drum, rhythm of a traditional drum and the melody of Noh chanting are something that are inspirational to Japanese people.
At the site, there are numerous free performances as well as performances with commentaries. By studying the plot of the play before it starts, you will be able to enjoy the performance even more. The other performances include Japanese traditional dance, Biwa Tikuzen and Rakugo. The details can be viewed on the site. As there are very few chances to see a Japanese traditional classical theatre, it is a very good idea to see it whenever you are in Fukuoka.
Ohori Nougakudo
Address: 1-5 Ohori-koen, Chuo-ku, Fukuoka
Tel: 092-715-2155
Translation: Akio Usui大濠公园能剧堂