
藤戸 剛Go Fujito

Photo: Hiroshi Mizusaki (Loop Photo Creative)

Photo: Hiroshi Mizusaki (Loop Photo Creative)

Go Fujito started a denim brand FUJITO with the first denim jeans in 2002. His standard, strong, beautiful and refined jeans are loved by creators2002年に1型のデニムジーンズから「FUJITO」をスタートした、藤戸 剛(フジト・ゴウ)氏。時代に流されない、丈夫で美しく、洗練された彼のジーンズは、福岡を中心とした多くのクリエイター達を筆頭に支持され愛用されている。2008年8月に待望の直営1号店「Directors(ディレクターズ)」を福岡長浜にオープン。本質的なものづくりとは何か、ということを模索し続けている。




またイタリア フィレンツェの老舗サルトリア「Liverano & Liverano(リベラーノ&リベラーノ)」のデニムジーンズを日本のブランドとしては初めて製作。店主のアントニオ氏の求めるデザイン、縫製、色を岡山の工場で生産し、2007年3月よりフィレンツェの店頭にて展開中。フィレンツェの顧客の方々にも満足して頂いてます。











現在、日本のアウトドアブランド「Phenix」で、外部の企画アドバイザーとして関わっており、今シーズンは1型「Phenix x FUJITO」でリリースしました。今後もタウンユースで使えるアウトドアラインを提案予定です。

住所:福岡市中央区長浜2-4 新長浜ビル128
in Fukuoka and beyond. The awaited first flagship shop Directors was opened in Nagahama in August 2008. He has been exploring what essential creation is about.

Please tell us about yourself/recent activity.

Born in 1975 in Sasebo. As a teenager, I got interested in culture, music and fashion through skateboarding in the town of base. After experiencing to work as a sales person and buyer, I started a denim brand Fujito in 2002. The standard line we have been carrying is Acer which has been playing an important roll as a face of the brand and is one of the most popular item for 7 years since the opening. Placing an importance on production by craftsman at all times, we propose all Japan-made items including blousons and shirts as well as denim that are simple yet have refined beauty.

We also made the denim of Liverano & Liverano, the established sartoria in Florence Italy, for the first time in Japanese brand. The Liverano & Liverano x Fujito products are now sold in the shop in Florences, as well as the first flagship shop of Fujito, Directors.

Could you tell us about Fukuoka. How do you think to live/work in the city?

In Monocle (U.K.), Fukuoka took 17th place in the world as a livable city. Even the result is better than Kyoto, it hasn’t hit me yet at all. As a person who lives the city, I think it’s all about how you live in the current city rather than how you choose where you already live or like to live. We have been seeing both good and bad things working through a filter of clothes.

One thing I could say is that I am swept by a sense of crisis that most business will come off only in Tokyo. If so, we might want to become like nomad.

What do you think of the art scene in Fukuoka?

There are many talented artists who don’t come out front. Audiences here in this somehow artistic land are also in high level. Creative and edgy people in Fukuoka (where we commonly have conservative image) started to link with the world without noticing it. Unfortunately, media including print in Fukuoka don’t work well and I think the localism is not related to business very well.

Please tell us your favorite places in Fukuoka.

My home! I’m not kidding. It’s the best to have interesting conversation with good food and drink at home. Another favorite place is a port town Nagahama where we opened the store. There is a fish market, Nagahama is also a home for Nagahama Noodles and open-air stall.

Teshima House in Takatori is a great place like a home. Food there is fantastic. You want to stay like forever.

What do you think about the fashion scene in Fukuoka? It seems Fukuoka is a fashion-sensitive city as there are many clothing stores.

Specially on men’s fashion, it seems there are many people who loves something good essentially. That might mean they are conservative. But as a maker, we need firm manufacturing and that bring a sense of order. Some shops are unique, but others just display the same thing with same interior design as shops in Tokyo, which makes me sometimes uncomfortable.

What’s your upcoming plans?

Currently I’m involved in a Japanese outdoor brand Phenix as an external planning advisor, and will release the first form of Phenix x Fujito for this season. We will continue to develop the casual outdoor line, and planning to consider casual sports line on the theme of futsal.

Address: 128 Shin-nagahama Bld., 2-4 Nagahama, Chuo-ku, Fukuoka
Opening Hours: 13:00-21:00 (Closed on Sunday)
Tel: 092-751-5511

Translation: Tatsuhiko Akutsu
地址:福岡市中央区長浜2-4 新長浜ビル128

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