ドン・チチョDon Chicho

© Don Chicho
Many Argentineans have Italian grandmothers who came to Argentina during the European migratory waves caused by the First and Second World Wars. Most of these grandmothers tend多くのアルゼンチン人にはイタリア人の祖母がいる。彼女達は、第一次・第二次世界大戦中の大規模な移民流入でイタリアからアルゼンチンにやってきたのだ。こうした祖母の多くは料理上手でイタリアンパスタの真のマスターである。ヴィージャ・ウルキサには、そんなおばあちゃんの料理を楽しめるドン・チチョ・レストランがある。
Don Chicho Restaurante
住所:1411 Plaza Street, Villa Urquiza, Buenos Aires
営業時間:12:00〜15:00, 20:00〜深夜
TEL:+54 11 4556 1463
Text and photo: Celeste Najt
Translation: Ayano Yamada to be great cooks, masters of the true Italian pasta. In the Villa Urquiza neighbourhood there is a place where you can feel like at grandma’s table: Don Chicho Restaurant.
The story of this place goes back to 1922, when the grandfather of the family owned a grocer’s shop in the same premises where the restaurant functions nowadays.
On entering the picturesque site, which looks as if time had stopped, there is a huge table covered in freshly kneaded pasta made by the woman in the house, the same pasta that you will then order once you are seated at your table.
Although the menu is varied – meat and dishes with vegetables are available – Don Chicho’s reason for being is its pasta, especially the Fuccile al fierrito, the ricotta ravioli and the ham and mozzarella medallions. There is a wide variety of Argentinean wines to choose from and as regards dessert, the home-made custard is truly delicious.
This is a typical ‘Porteño’ place, attended to by a family from the neighbourhood. Therefore, prices are affordable and very convenient. If you are looking for a typical Argentinean meal, you should not miss Don Chicho.
Don Chicho Restaurante
Address: 1411 Plaza Street, Villa Urquiza, Buenos Aires
Opening Hours: 12:00-15:00, 20:00-end
Tel: +54 11 4556 1463
Text and photo: Celeste NajtDon Chicho 餐厅
地址:1411 Plaza Street, Villa Urquiza, Buenos Aires
时间:12:00-15:00, 20:00-直到午夜
电话:+54 11 4556 1463